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Throughout the year one of our hard-working team members sits down to answer the 10 big questions about work, fun, life, Maui, life on Maui, and of course, food!

We are pleased to bring you this Q&A with David Goode, Director of Development


If you had one free, perfect day on Maui, how would you spend it? (give us all the details!)

Beach morning at Keawakapu with my wife, Mary Lynn and read, swim, catch a few waves bodysurfing. Then a late lunch at any of our favorite places (which change over the years), followed by nine holes of golf. Dinner at home, walk the dogs, and sleep like a baby.


What is your all-time favorite comfort food? (secret family recipes encouraged : )

Got to be burritos. (office staff overheard laughing at this…)


If you could sit down for a cup of Maui-grown coffee with one person, who would that be? (they don’t have to be alive)

Wow, so hard to say. I’ve always have liked the idea of going back in time, so why not join the first voyagers to Hawai’i and talk story?


What is your favorite travel story? (it might be your best travel moment, or it might be your worst!)

On a bus in the Guatemalan jungle in the 80’s, we were stopped by guerillas and given a lecture on their ideology. Lecture was mandatory as they had machine guns and all I had was a camera! I still have a photo of the comic book styled pamphlet they handed out, and fortunately, got back on the bus with my camera and film still in my possession.


What three adjectives would your best friend use to describe you? (yes, you can ask them!)

Trustworthy, inquisitive, and maybe lucky.


What is one thing about yourself that you would like to improve? (just don’t say you’re a perfectionist)

Understanding other perspectives and keeping an open mind is always something I work at.


What has been your proudest career moment so far? (maybe an award received, a promotion merited, or just a moment when you felt fulfilled)

Giving the keys to a new home or condo to a homebuyer. I’ve been fortunate to do it a lot.


If you weren’t building communities, what would you be doing? (think early aspirations, designing rocketships, etc.)

I told my second-grade teacher I wanted to be the President!


What is your favorite Hawaiian word? (why is it meaningful to you?)

Aloha for its simplicity and its multiple uses – and the way it can be vocalized to pull out more meaning.


What is something Maui has taught you? (yep, Mother Maui teaches all of us in one way or another)

Be extra courteous to someone you don’t know as you will run into them again and hey, you could be related or be related to you in the future!

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