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Riley Coon

Ledcor 10 – Riley Coon

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the LEDCOR 10 We’d love to get to know our community partners! Throughout the year, one of our hard-working community partners members sits down to answer the 10 big questions about work, fun, and life on Maui! We are pleased to bring you this Q&A with Riley Coon,… Read More »Ledcor 10 – Riley Coon

Ledcor 10 – Paul Tonnessen

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the LEDCOR 10 We’d love to get to know our community partners! Throughout the year, one of our hard-working community partners members sits down to answer the 10 big questions about work, fun, and life on Maui! We are pleased to bring you this Q&A with Paul Tonnessen, Executive… Read More »Ledcor 10 – Paul Tonnessen

Gifts for Maui Keiki — Whale Watching and Extra Sweet Maui Gold Pineapples!

Gifts for Maui Keiki — Whale Watching and Extra Sweet Maui Gold Pineapples!

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Gifts for Maui Keiki Whale Watching and Extra Sweet Maui Gold Pineapples! As part of Ledcor Mauiʻs Makana nō nā Keiki, youth and administrators from three local charitable organizations received “extra” special gifts this holiday season. Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui, Friends of the… Read More »Gifts for Maui Keiki — Whale Watching and Extra Sweet Maui Gold Pineapples!

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