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Kōkua Maui

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Kōkua for Maui – How to assist with impacts of wildfires As many of you have seen on the news or in person, our island of Maui has been severely impacted by the wildfires caused in part by the high winds from passing Hurricane Dora.… Read More »Kōkua Maui

Ledcor 10 – David

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the LEDCOR 10 Throughout the year one of our hard-working team members sits down to answer the 10 big questions about work, fun, life, Maui, life on Maui, and of course, food! We are pleased to bring you this Q&A with David Goode, Director of… Read More »Ledcor 10 – David

Ledcor 10

Ledcor 10 – Casey

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the LEDCOR 10 Throughout the year, one of our hard-working team members sits down to answer the 10 big questions about work, fun, life, Maui, life on Maui, and of course, food! We are pleased to bring you this Q&A with Casey Lamb, Development Coordinator… Read More »Ledcor 10 – Casey

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